When it comes to sales impact, a printed newsletter is surely unlikely to cut through the bells and whistles of the internet and social media these days, right? Wrong! Axis’s marketing guru Alice Williams says that company newsletters remain a powerful, cost-effective tool with real staying power for your customers.
It may appear deceptively simple and traditional. But here at Axis, our clients regularly tell us that their company newsletter is one of their biggest business generators.
“All of our clients that decide to start a newsletter, from the very first edition they never look back,” says Axis marketing guru Alice Williams. “Every time a new edition comes out, they see a spike in trade.”
Here are 5 reasons why a newsletter is your best friend.
It builds real engagement
A newsletter gets your customers used to the idea that you have regular events, offers, activities on and to talk about. Once they know this, they’re more likely to actually look out for your newsletter to see what’s going on, and build a relationship with it. “Companies generally don’t put out a newsletter unless they’ve got something exciting to say, so you’re creating a buzz and a demand for yourself,” says Alice.
It forces you and your team to plan ahead
Regularly coming up with the content plan for your newsletter gives you and your team a great incentive to plan ahead, stay organised and iron-out details about your promotions and events, months in advance. In fact, many of Axis’s clients – particularly clubs – say that this aspect alone has inadvertently turned out to be one of the biggest advantages of starting a newsletter.
It’s cheaper and less intrusive than advertising
A newsletter not only informs your customers of products and services – but, crucially, they have the freedom to read about them whenever they choose.
“A lot of businesses can’t afford TV or radio or billboard advertising, but a printed newsletter is a really cost-effective way of getting into the hands of people,” adds Alice.
“People also tend to take newsletters home with them. Often the feedback from our club clients is that they’ll see their customers sitting around and reading the club’s newsletter – and putting it in their bag and taking it home.”
It can have more staying power than digital
The ability to touch a newsletter and physically take it home leads to this next point. While the appeal of digital is undeniable, print remains not only a solid and credible way of getting noticed – it literally has a presence.
“People actually hold on to printed newsletters longer than they will with a digital medium,” adds Alice. “Once it reaches past the view of their computer or smartphone screen, it often goes into the ‘abyss’ and is never seen again!”
It generates a real spike in sales
At Axis, this is one we hear regularly from our newsletter clients. “We had a restaurant client who had degustation event on,” says Alice. “It was their first time doing it, they were going out on a limb, they had hefty ticket prices and were worried about how they were going to fill the spots.”
“The newsletter gave them a chance to really properly showcase the chef, showcase the produce that was going to be used, and it included a call to action for readers to purchase the tickets. Literally within a few days of that newsletter going out it sold out, at capacity. So that’s a pretty good return on your investment!”
Located in Coffs Harbour and servicing clients from Sydney to the Gold Coast and out west to Inverell and Gunnedah, Axis IQ is made up of a small team of highly experienced pros from a broad range of industries including print and design, marketing agency, mailhouse, digital media, private enterprise and the Registered Club Industry. Read more...
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