5 ways to embrace digital in your business

5 ways to embrace digital in your business

What is one of the first things you do, when you research a business?

Scroll through their online platforms, right?


The world of business has evolved dramatically over the past 5-10 years and even more so since Covid, by integrating more and more digital elements to help with the way a business communicates with it’s customers.

Many different pieces make up the business pie and one of them is the use of digital platforms! Embracing digital can help to reach your target audience, increase brand awareness and drive consumers to purchase from your business over your competitors.

Getting digital doesn’t mean your brand has to have a presence on every social platform… We suggest looking at your current target audience and then roll out a digital strategy on the platforms that they are active on! This will make it easier for all current and future customers to find you easily and educate themselves on who you are as a brand and what you can offer them.


Here’s 5 ways to embrace digital:

1. Website

Make sure your website contains all the information about what your business is and what it offers to customers! It is one of the first digital elements a business should have, as it is the ONLY piece of real estate on the web that you own…

Don’t have a website? Contact us today for an obligation FREE chat!

Axis IQ Tip: If there is one digital platform you take on and improve, a website is definitely at the top of our list!


2. Social media profile

Consider starting a social media profile to help spread your brand online. This method can also be great when driving traffic to your website or online/physical store.

Social media can be an overwhelming place when you are a newbie but try not to overthink it. Social media is about socializing… so be yourself and have fun!

Popular platforms include:

  • Facebook
  • Instagram
  • LinkedIn
  • Twitter
  • YouTube (Demo videos)
  • Pinterest


3. Facebook store

A store that is easily accessible and can be updated in just a few click… Who wouldn’t want a Facebook store?

A FB store can be a great tool to sell directly to your audience that are already interacting with your brand! This method takes out the hassle of customers travelling between platforms to purchase from your business.


4. Google AdWords

Google AdWords can help your business to:

  • Target your ideal customer/audience
  • Increase brand awareness
  • Reconnect with your website visitors
  • Get the edge over your competition

Google AdWords can be a little tricky to get right. Reach out if we can assist you!


5. Email Marketing

An email database can be a highly effective tool to connect with customers, as it is 40 times more effective at acquiring new customers than Facebook or Twitter (Campaign Monitor 2019). The easiest sale you will ever do is to an existing customer, so make sure you can easily communicate with them about the services or products you offer!

There are loads of tools to use for email marketing. We partner with Impact Data

There is also programs like Mailchimp, Constant Contact, Campaign Monitor and more!

All that is left to do is to get out there and embrace the digital world! Find what works for you & your business and have fun with it.  

If it all becomes too overwhelming or you just don’t know where to start… Reach out to our friendly team at sales@axisiq.com.au to chat about how we can help your business thrive online!


What digital platforms have you used within your business lately?

Let us know in the comments!


The Axis IQ team :)


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