Have you ever wanted to try something new?
We aren’t talking about ordering a crazy cocktail from the bar… it’s about stepping out of your comfort zone and trying new things that will benefit your business and your skills as a person! Knowledge is one of the most valuable elements a person can possess and as Peter Drucker says, ‘knowledge has power. It controls access to opportunity and advancement’ (Bliss Quote, 2020).
We never stop learning throughout life, so why not further this and update your knowledge or learn something new that will be beneficial for yourself and/or your business?
7 ways to learn something NEW:
1. Skillshare
Skillshare is an online learning community with thousands of classes for creative and curious people, on topics including illustration, design photography, video, freelancing, and more.
Apart from Skillshare, you can learn something new from places like Tafe, University and Australian Online Courses, just to name a few. These online sites are a great way to learn something new from the comfort of your own home or office!
2. Podcasts
Learning made fun! Podcasts give us a way of learning something new, by simply pressing play. They can be entertaining and humorous, which makes it a lot easier to digest. They are awesome to listen to while you commute to work, exercise or even have playing at home or in the office!
Our top Podcast suggestions for business education include:
#1 The Engagement gurus (Alice Williams & Carly Deards)
#2 Online Marketing Made Easy (Amy Porterfield)
#3 Empire Show (Bedros Keuilian & Craig Ballantyne)
#4 The GaryVee Audio Experience (Gary Vee)
#5 The EntreLeadership Podcast (Daniel Tardy)
3. TED Talks
TED is a non-for-profit organisation that is devoted to spreading ideas in the form of short, powerful talks (18 minutes or less).
TED began at a conference where Technology, Entertainment and Design converged, and today covers almost all topics. From science to business to global issues, you can learn almost anything from a TED Talk!
Out fave TED Talks include:
- How to stop screwing yourself over (Mel Robbins)
- Your body language may shape who you are (Amy Cuddy)
- The power of vulnerability (Brene' Brown)
4. YouTube
YouTube is one of the best video learning tools available today. It has soooo many tutorials and step by step videos on how to do things and other learning materials.
The team here at Axis IQ is guilty of turning to YouTube on occasion for guidance on a topic! YouTube has many great videos on business or personal interests that are sure to have you testing out a new hobby or skill in no time!
5. Google
We don’t need to say much about Google. However it is one of the best FREE tools you have as your fingertips. We love to ‘Google’, here at Axis IQ. Our wonderful Marketing guru, Alice, LOVES google! Her fave catchcry is… ‘have you Googled it?’
6. Blogs
Blogs are the best! In fact you are reading one right now, so you must be on the right path, right?
Blogs can be a great way to pick up knowledge easily and quickly, as most blogs can be read in 3-5 minutes! This free exchange of knowledge is great for people that don’t want to spend much on their learning and is an awesome time waster during travel or in a spare moment.
We post blog posts weekly, covering hot topics about both business and lifestyle. Some of our favourites are:
7. Books
Books are the one of the most traditional ways we can learn and update our knowledge on certain topics. Nothing compares to the feeling of several pages of a paperback book in your hands! Sometimes we need something tactile to give a certain experience when learning.
Have you tried something new lately?
Let us know what it was, in the comments!
The Axis IQ team :)
Located in Coffs Harbour and servicing clients from Sydney to the Gold Coast and out west to Inverell and Gunnedah, Axis IQ is made up of a small team of highly experienced pros from a broad range of industries including print and design, marketing agency, mailhouse, digital media, private enterprise and the Registered Club Industry. Read more...
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